Youre very welcome...and for my opionion, as a nurse and knowing how to take a BP, i find that the nurses in doc offices (never been in a hosp as a pt where they didnt use an automatic cuff) really dont know how to take BPs manually (on the wall thingy). so when i go and my BP is high, i always trend it at work with our auto machine and i do get a variety of readings over different days, but they are all normal. i can believe my BP goes a little high when i get to the mds office, as i get a little excited, but i watch how they do it and its not right. so i would advise u to get a home monitor if you really want to trend and watch your own BPs, or just check once a week at drug store/grocery store pharmacy area. im not saying your mds office nurses cant take a BP, but there are several variables that make me take my BP with a grain of salt.